Thursday, January 27, 2011

Reverse Leg o' Mutton

Daily Outfit, 1/27/11

The Breakdown:
  • Silk blouse - Banana Republic
  • Cashmere sweater - Forte Cashmere via Ideeli
  • Black skirt - Calvin Klein via Ideeli
  • Patterned tights - Assets via Target
  • Double-strap shoes - BC Footwear "Shadowplay" via
This blouse under this sweater sort of gives my sleeves a reverse leg o' mutton feel, which amuses me for some reason.  I suspect that I'm just really tired.  We worked over 12 hours yesterday and another 12 today.  Luckily, these hours are nearly over and then maybe my posts will make a little more sense (but, probably only a little).  And though you can't see it, I swear I'm wearing a black skirt and black tights - I shouldn't have stood in front of the fireplace, but am too exhausted to re-shoot.

These are the shoes I bought in response to the "oxford" craze from the last year or so.  I didn't like any of the oxfords I tried - I didn't feel they looked right on my rather large foot.  However, I do enjoy androgyny, so I wanted something that had the same feel (for me) as oxfords.  These are perfect for me.  They have a small wedge and I love the little baby studs on the straps (you can find them at Zappos, Endless or Amazon).  They also come in black with silver studs and in sizes up to 11.


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