Monday, February 6, 2012


That's me, not Mass. Channeling my inner man? I love love wearing pocket squares, especially when they're as beautiful as this one.
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Taken before a dim sum brunch with lots of babies and old friends.
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Typical Sunday outfit for Mass, cowboy (sorta) boots, a trillby, and an Armani jacket. Oh can't forget his sole pair of jeans he bought at Harry's in Toronto with Cliff!
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Cheesy big smile at Spice Market. Man that was a bad restaurant choice.
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My two favourite pieces of jewelry: Vintage Rolex from mom (she bought this about 20 years ago when she first started making money in her career) and my engagement ring (if you look closely you can see Mass' engraving on the inside).

It was snowy this past weekend in London, something I haven't seen since early 2009 when the entire city shut down. Remarkably, tfl got their act together (or maybe because it was a Sat/Sun?) and it was a pretty seamless transition back into a functioning city.

Hope you enjoyed your weekend in snowy London or football heaven.

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