Friday, March 11, 2011

FBFF for March 11: Finding the Balance

For today’s FBFF post, Katy has asked us to think about how we balance blogging with the rest of our lives.

1.      When it comes to prioritizing your life, in what place does blogging fall?

It’s important to me that I keep up with my blogging, but it’s definitely not the most important thing.  When I began blogging, I set out to blog my daily outfits, and I try to stick with that.  I try to post my outfits right after work, or right after Jazzercise if I work out that day, but that doesn’t always happen.  I do worry when I don’t get a post put up at all, but am okay with getting a post put up late.

And my daily outfits are the only thing I post with any regularity.  My Blogs for Giants series or Friday Fashion Focus are more catch-as-catch-can.  The former, especially, takes a lot of research so I just do the best I can on those and hope my readers understand.

2.      We all wish we had more free time to dedicate to blogging and all it entails. What are your tricks for taking advantage of the time you do have to be as productive as possible?

I’ve found that having a set process/schedule for photographing/blogging my daily outfits has definitely been helpful.  I take my pictures in the morning before I head to work, write and post a draft of my text at lunch time and then edit and post my pictures after work.  This helps me from feeling rushed both in the morning and in the evening.

The other posts, I may start and work on over a period of time, or just do the research over a period of time and post when I’m ready.

3.      Have you discovered any short-cuts that makes blogging easier or more time efficient?

No, but I’m not sure that I need them.  My blog is such small potatoes I don’t really need to worry about time management as much.

4.      Do you have an editorial calendar or something similar that helps you plan ahead?

Ooh, an editorial calendar.  Fancy.  Too fancy for me; the most I do is keep notes in a notebook on what I need or want to do for my blog.  I keep notes on possible Blogs for Giants, post ideas and blogs I may want to take a look at.  I also keep a journal where I write down possible outfit ideas.

5.      If time wasn’t an issue what you would be doing on your blog/for your blog that you aren’t doing now?

I would make it pretty – I know I need to do something with the header, but I’m not very savvy at that sort of thing so I’m afraid it would take me longer than I want to spend on it.

I would also post things like the Blogs for Giants and Friday Fashion Focus posts more frequently.  Right now they’re not on a regular schedule, but I recognize that they probably should be.

I would also spend more time and effort on my photo shoots.  Probably.  I’m a little torn on this.  I mean, my blog is a daily outfit blog so I try to take my photos in a manner that clearly shows what I’m wearing on any given day and I don’t worry about the background.  However, I have heard it said that readers get bored if bloggers don’t mix it up.  I hope I’m not boring my readers, but I’m not a photographer, so I’m hoping just getting clear shots is enough.

Happy Friday, everyone!  I’ll post my daily outfit post this evening.


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